2023 marks the 39th year of Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June), when Prama will join thousands of charities and voluntary organisations recognising the contribution volunteers make across the UK. With this year’s theme of ‘Celebrate and Inspire’ we hope to encourage people to be the change that we want to see and get involved in volunteering in whatever way works for them.
The contribution of volunteers is often unseen and unrecognised by many, visible only through the incredible impact of their volunteering, so taking the time during Volunteers’ Week to celebrate their efforts and all they contribute to our local communities, the voluntary sector and society as a whole has never been more important (Carers Week, 2023).
This Volunteers’ Week, Prama celebrated their 300 volunteers across PramaLife and Prama’s 11 Charity Shops.
Volunteer Coordinator, Jo Keats said:
“I want to thank you, our volunteers, for all the work you do for PramaLife to make such a difference to older people’s lives in our communities in Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch and East Dorset.
Without you, so many people would be lonely and isolated. Your generosity of spirit is priceless, your time, the fact you go the extra mile to make a difference is deeply appreciated by the participants, carers, and PramaLife staff.
It’s you the volunteer that makes a difference to all our lives, your knowledge, your experiences, your smiles, your laughter, and not forgetting the tonnes of cake and gallons cups of tea!”

PramaLife's age friendly community Clubs and support groups for older people, those living with dementia and their carers. Here are some examples of the impact Prama has had on the community, thanks to your help:
"Memory Lane means a great deal to me. It has helped me through the darkest time of my life. The whole group is welcoming, friendly and understanding."
"Music brings back such lovely memories and being able to sing along with others. So nice to get out of four walls and not spending so much time on my own. Please keep these groups going as it’s a life saver to so many."
The contribution of volunteers is often unseen and unrecognised by many, visible only through the incredible impact of their volunteering, so taking the time during Volunteers’ Week to celebrate their efforts and all they contribute to our local communities, the voluntary sector and society as a whole has never been more important (Carers Week, 2023).
Shirley said : “the community spirit from not only my fellow volunteers but the West Moors and local customers. This certainly makes me wish to volunteer for Prama!”
Ann said: “I enjoy volunteering for Prama because the staff, managers and customers are all so friendly! The shop is local to me, so it is very convenient. I really look forward to going in to work.”
Jane said: “Prama in West Moors is a fun place to work. Always a good atmosphere and a great way to meet people in the village. It’s good to be a part of a charity that makes a difference in the local community.”
Johnathan said: “volunteering at Prama is a joy, it gives me tasks and problems to solve. Occasionally I find it challenging, but volunteering at Prama always gives me a routine and someone to talk to.”
“After working in retail for 30 years, being a carer for my mum for 6 years. I went to volunteer in a charity in 2009, it certainly changed my life for the better and continues to do so. I am glad to be doing all that I love – creating displays, meeting people, working with a great team again. Basically, a reason to get up and feel useful.”
Volunteering opportunities
Prama Volunteering is a particularly rewarding experience, giving back to the local community that we live in. Our Volunteers choose what works best for them, whether that is a few hours a week or even the odd day now and again, any amount of time and support makes a difference.
Age, skills, experience, availability – none of that matters. We are always looking for volunteers to join our team. Whether that is to gain experience, add something great to your CV or solely to offer your time to help others. You can expect to have lots of fun, meet some great people and be a part of a fantastic community.
There are a around 20 volunteering opportunities available with Prama, in our charity shops, PramaLife clubs and groups or as a Befriender for our carers.
Tasks you might do when volunteering: welcoming customer into our charity shops, sorting donations, tagging clothes, merchandising, putting out new stock on the shop floor, decorating shop windows, assisting PramaLife group leaders, having a natter with group members, run through of group activities and so on, all of which have a large impact on the Charity as a whole.
If you are interested in joining the Prama Volunteer team click here, for more information please contact Jo on 01202 804919 or email jo.keats@prama.uk