Would you like to support PramaLife with free money when you shop online?
Please choose one of the online shopping platforms to do your shopping and PramaLife will receive free money from the retailer – at no cost to you!
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Give as You Shop
When you use Give as you Live to shop with any of their 5,500+ stores, the retailer makes a small donation to say thank you and they send those free funds to us.
A Visit to Hospital
Support our neighbour car service, our volunteers drive people to, and then accompany them to GP or hospital appointments. £5 gives volunteers a petrol contribution.
Telephone Group Session
Pays the fees for a telephone friendship group session for 7 Older People, or a support group for unpaid family carers.
Pays for Older People to enjoy a pop in group session. These usually start with a Bingo session and provide friendship and activities in a safe, warm environment.
A fun weekly group with quizzes, games and songs run by specially trained group leaders, for those with memory loss or dementia. Extra support and advice is available for family carers, who are sharing the journey.
1 Memory Lane Group Session
1 Pop-in Group Session