Nothing in these Policies shall override instructions or conditions imposed by law or through statute. Nothing in the charity’s procedure guides will override the principles embodied in this Policy.
Policies and procedures are essential part of any organisation and Prama makes a great effort to ensure that all its processes are presented clearly to the staff and volunteers team. We have developed our policies to support staff and volunteers in their work, by following these processes policies it will:
Help staff and volunteers to make more effective decisions
Provide guidance to staff and volunteers about how to carry out your tasks
Ensure that staff and volunteers are making consistent decisions to a high
standard across the organisation
Protect staff, volunteers, the people we support and the organisation itself from
risks, ensuring that we comply with legislation and relevant regulation
As a result, all staff and volunteers should familiarise themselves with this policy and comply with it at all times. Failure to do so could result in disciplinary action being taken.
Any questions about its contents or what must be done to comply with it should be referred to your Line Manager and/or the Human Resources Department.
This policy applies to all staff and volunteers unless otherwise indicated, including: managers, officers, directors, employees, consultants, contractors, trainees, homeworkers, part-time and fixed-term employees, casual and agency staff and volunteers (collectively referred to as staff).
For the avoidance of doubt, this policy is non-contractual unless otherwise indicated and can be amended at any time. It does not form part of the terms of any employment contract with us, which is provided separately.
L1 - Keeping Adults Safe
1. The aim of this policy
1.1 PramaLife aims to proactively prevent the abuse of adults and if abuse is identified that the charity takes effective and constructive action to tackle it, including offering counselling, help and support to the clients and staff involved in cases of abuse.
1.2 PramaLife recognises that there are various forms of abuse prevalent in society and that some people over 18 years of age may be more at risk than others. This can include people who:
Depend on others for their care.
Are older, frail or unable to protect themselves. Have mental health problems.
Have a learning disability.
Have a physical disability.
Have a sight or hearing loss.
Have dementia or memory loss.
Misuse alcohol or drugs.
Have long term health needs.
Are carers.
1.3 In implementing the 2014 Care Act (and any subsequent revisions of it), which sets out the legal framework for protecting adults at risk of abuse, PramaLife will not only effectively report and tackle incidents of abuse, it will also take every reasonable step to prevent abuse from occurring.
1.4 This policy should be read in conjunction with other related policy statements in particular:
• Staff Code of Conduct
• Complaints Policy
• Equal Opportunities Policy
• Harassment Policy.
• Whistleblowing Policy
• Confidentiality Policy
2. The role of trustees, volunteers, and staff:
PramaLife recognises that the adults we support can only be kept safe if all the volunteers, staff and trustees are working together, promoting a culture of good practice, joint learning, prevention, and accountability. The Director of PramaLife: Christopher Beale (PramaLife’s Safeguarding Lead), has the responsibility to ensure that this policy is effectively implemented, and quarterly reports are prepared for the trustees on how PramaLife is keeping adults safe. Confidential feedback will be sought from staff, volunteers, and staff to assess whether they feel supported and skilled to ensure that we can achieve this aim.
3. What do we mean by harm or abuse?
Abuse is when someone does something to another person which damages their quality of life or puts them at risk of harm. Abuse can happen once or repeatedly. It may be deliberate or unintentional.
3.1. Types of abuse:
Abuse can take many forms and may include:
Physical for example hitting or injuring someone and/or restraining someone inappropriately.
Psychological or emotional, for example intimidating, threatening, or humiliating a person. Abusing them racially, verbally or psychologically. Exploiting someone.
Sexual for example involving a person in sexual activity which is unwanted or not understood. Giving unwanted sexual attention.
Modern Slavery, this includes human trafficking, being forced to work and sexual exploitation.
Organisational, for example neglect and poor care practices within an institution or care setting like a hospital or care home, or care within a person’s own home.
Neglect or acts of omission, for example not providing food, drink, clothing, attention or care. Withholding aids or equipment for continence, walking, hearing or sight. Putting someone at risk of infection. Failing to provide access to health or social care. Misusing, overdosing or withholding medication.
Financial or economic, for example stealing or misusing money, property or possessions. Pressure in connection with wills, property or inheritance.
Discriminatory, for example treating someone less favourably and unfairly because of race, religion or belief, age, gender, disability or sexual orientation.
Self-neglect and/or hoarding, this includes a wide range of behaviour for example neglecting to care for ones’ hygiene, health or surroundings and may include behaviour such as hoarding.
Sexual exploitation: Where an actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability or trust for sexual purposes is carried out on a vulnerable person.
Internet/cyberbullying: When technology, and in particular mobile phones or devices and the internet, are used to deliberately harm, upset, harass or embarrass a person.
Domestic violence or abuse, this includes controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour or violence between intimate partners or family members.
3.2 Who can abuse or harm: Anyone can cause harm, including relatives, friends, volunteers or staff. It is usually someone the person knows.
3.3 Where does abuse happen: Abuse can happen anywhere: at home, at a support group, in a care home, hospital, day centre or in a public place.
3.4 Signs that abuse may be occurring: The following list indicates some of the warning signs that a person may be being abused, this list is not exhaustive:
Unexplained injuries
The person is quiet and withdrawn
The person is nervous and eager to please
Bruising particularly to shins and forearms
Withdrawal from physical contact
Appears anxious and agitated and seeks isolation
4. What should you do if someone tells you they are being harmed or abused?
4.1 Any member of staff or volunteer who suspects, or is told about, possible abuse by anyone must immediately report it to their manager or volunteer co-ordinator, within at least 12 hours using the following procedure:
Stay calm and listen to them.
Take what you are being told seriously.
Tell them that you must share with your manager what they tell you, there can be “no secrets.”
Be aware that medical or other evidence might be needed so keep any evidence safe.
Write down what the person tells you in their own words, please also make a note of their name, contact details, date and time of the abuse.
In an emergency contact the Police immediately if you think a crime has been committed, e.g. someone has suffered physical harm or things have been stolen. To contact the Police ring 999 in an emergency and 101 at all other times.
In an emergency contact an ambulance/the NHS if for example there is physical harm to a person who requires treatment.
With all other non-emergency incidents your manager/volunteer co-ordinator or PramaLife Director will liaise with the Police and Adult Social Care if necessary.
Ask the person for more details.
Assume that someone else is aware of the situation and will take action. Contact the person alleged to have caused harm.
Promise to keep it a secret.
4.2 We know that in certain circumstances it can be difficult, for example you may see a carer struggling to do their best for their partner even if it is resulting in neglect, and feel that if you were to report it, the carer would get into trouble. The approach of PramaLife is always to be positive and constructive and we are not judgmental. When someone is struggling, we or Adult Social Services can help them, making it better for them.
4.3 Your manager/volunteer co-ordinator in liaison with the PramaLife Director, will be responsible for reporting the abuse to Adult Social Services.
4.4 PramaLife will fully support Adult Social Services with any investigation.
4.5 If the alleged abuser is a PramaLife member of staff, they will be suspended on full pay until the investigation is concluded. Suspension is not in itself disciplinary action and should not be construed as such. If the alleged abuser is a PramaLife volunteer they will be asked not to undertake their role until the investigation is concluded.
4.6 If it is found that the employee has committed abuse they will be disciplined for gross misconduct which will lead to summary dismissal. They may also have legal proceedings started against them.
4.7 If a volunteer has committed abuse, they will no longer have a role with PramaLife. They may also have legal proceedings started against them.​
4.8 If the alleged abuser is your manager/volunteer co-ordinator, to report this please use Prama’s Whistleblowing policy.
4.9 It will be responsibility of the PramaLife Director to ensure that any victims of abuse, staff/volunteer reporting the abuse, are supported appropriately and confidentially.
4.10 It will be the responsibility of the PramaLife Director for keeping a central confidential register of any incidents of reported abuse. The Director will update the Chief Executive of safeguarding incidents on a weekly basis, if the incident involves a PramaLife member of staff or volunteer, the Director will update the Chief Executive as a matter of urgency. The Director will also report to PramaLife’s trustees on the nature of the incidents, how they are being managed and any remedial action being taken.
5. Preventing abuse:
5.1 PramaLife will develop the skills of its staff, trustees, and volunteers so that abuse can be prevented, e.g. staff/volunteers will be trained to identify potential incidents of neglect, so that support can be provided to prevent this. Training relevant to the role will be provided when colleagues join PramaLife as part of their induction and at least once a year thereafter.
5.2 A knowledge and awareness of Safeguarding will be a key requirement when recruiting staff.
5.3 We will also raise awareness amongst the people we support e.g. about financial abuse.
5.4 DBS Checks: Each staff and voluntary role will be risk assessed to ascertain whether they are eligible for a standard, enhanced or enhanced with barred list check from the DBS. The manager/volunteer co-ordinator will liaise with HR colleagues to ensure that relevant checks are undertaken, and the information safely stored.
6. Key contacts
As a priority, please contact your manager or volunteer co-ordinator in cases of abuse.
If they cannot be contacted, please contact either:
PramaLife Director: Christopher Beale, 07485 572449
PramaCare Registered Manager: 01202 207327
Prama Chief Executive: 01202 207300
Out of hours, between 5pm and 11pm and 7am and 8.30am on weekdays and on weekends, phone 01202 207323 you will talk to a Prama manager who will support you.
Adult Social Care
BCP Council: 01202 123654
Dorset Council: 01305 221016
Out of Hours Service
Evenings and Weekends, including Bank Holidays BCP Council: 0300 1239895
Appendix One: Reporting serious incidents to the Charity Commission
Allegation that a staff member has physically or sexually assaulted or neglected a beneficiary whilst under the charity’s care
The Chief Executive of the charity has been suspended pending the outcome of an investigation into their alleged sexual harassment of a fellow member of staff
Allegation that a trustee, staff member or volunteer has been sexually assaulted by another trustee, staff member or volunteer
A staff computer is found to contain images of child pornography
An internal investigation has established that there is a widespread culture of bullying
within the charity
A beneficiary or individual connected with the charity’s activities has died or been
seriously harmed; a significant contributory factor is the charity’s failure to implement a relevant policy
Charity discovers that an employee or volunteer coming into contact with children or at risk adults is on the sex offenders register
Incidents which do not require reporting include:
• Minor unusual/aggressive behaviour by a beneficiary towards a member of staff • Police called to charity premises because a beneficiary is drunk and disorderly • Charity becomes aware of allegations of abuse or neglect of a beneficiary that
occurred outside the charity; the charity has reported the allegations to the
appropriate agencies, and there is no harm to the charity’s reputation
• Logged accident book reports where there was no significant harm to individuals • Details of reports under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) where there has been no significant harm
to individuals
• Minor accidental injury to a charity service user e.g. slipping on a wet floor
• A staff member who is not in a senior position or position of specific responsibility
(e.g. head of safeguarding) has bullied or harassed a fellow staff member. There is no indication of a widespread culture of bullying or harassment within the charity and the incident is dealt with by minor disciplinary action (for example, the staff member responsible has not been suspended or dismissed).
• A staff member who is not in a senior position or position of specific responsibility is dismissed for marrying a member of the community in which the charity is working, in breach of the charity’s code of conduct but not in breach of local laws
PramaLife will report any serious safeguarding incidents to the Charity Commission and constructively co-operate with any resulting investigation. Examples of serious incidents to report include:
• A beneficiary or other individual connected with the charity’s activities has/alleges to have suffered serious harm
• Charity failed to carry out DBS checks which would have identified that a member of staff or trustee was disqualified in law (under safeguarding legislation) from holding that position
Reporting safeguarding incidents to other regulators: PramaLife will also report serious safeguarding incidents to other regulators when relevant, for example is the incident involves a failure to implement appropriate DBS checks we will report to the Disclosure and Barring Service.