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Valuable Painting Returned to Smitheman Family


Updated: Jul 21, 2022

Prama receive a wide variety of donations for the Charity Shops and eBay store, however, one donation in particular had a deep sentimental value that was soon discovered.

Chantal Smitheman, daughter of Stanley Francis Smitheman, contacted Prama after noticing one of her fathers paintings was listed on the Prama Charity eBay store, once the painting was returned to her home, Chantal expressed how it felt like 'having an old friend back'.

Stanley Francis Smitheman was a renowned Marine Artist who spent his life pursuing his passion, Chantal S. said "he was drawn by a deep vocation to paint from an early age. Almost everything he did during his life was in order to be able to paint. After retiring, it was such a joy to him to be able to paint full time. Here he is, in his studio on Steyne Road, at the age of 89 still loving every minute and considering himself so fortunate to be still able to do what he loved best despite his disabilities."

With the demand for charity shops increasing, Prama has been able to continue to support and carry out the work they do for the community with the funds that are raised. Prama have 8 Charity Shops and 1 eBay Store with new items listed everyday, a furniture warehouse with free delivery and/or collection of donated items. Making it that much easier to pass on your pre loved goods.

Charity shops provide high quality items at affordable prices, power charitable services that have never been more in demand, reuse thousands of tonnes of items and provide a community space for so many volunteers and customers.

To find out more about Prama's Charity Shops go to

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S. Francis Smitheman 1927-2016

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