We are always grateful for funding, which helps us to continue supporting older people and carers locally. We recently received £2000 from the One Stop Carriers for Causes funding, which enabled PramaLife to respond to the aspirations and desires of local people attending the Pop In, Memory Lane and Sporting Memories groups at the Alderney Community and Social Club in Poole.
For the Pop In group, we purchased additional Bingo Books as the attendees of the group look forward to a weekly session of Bingo, and this helps keep the cost of the groups down, meaning that the contributions from those attending can go towards a Christmas treat.
All members were also able to participate in a Cream Tea Event, and this was fully supported by volunteers, who also enjoyed the activity tremendously.
One of the attendees said: "I was very pleased in discovering this group as I have been physically and mentally ill for many years. I have felt very welcome and made friends."
For the Sporting Memories Group, mugs and crockery were purchased for the kitchen, along with additional sport related games. Sporting Memories attendees participated in a wonderful outdoor activity that was enjoyed thoroughly.

One of the volunteers for this group said: "I have been a volunteer for 6 years with Prama and love every minute. I meet lots of people who could be lonely. Joining a group like Prama is a good way of keeping people young and healthy."
The Memory Lane Group Members attended a Cream Tea activity that was fully supported by attendant volunteers and carers. People took home chocolates and other treats, as well as information to help them engage with other services.
A member of the group said: "This group is a lifeline for me and John. As his carer, the group offers me emotional support and it’s a great source of stimulation for John."
Although we cannot currently run the PramaLife groups due to the coronavirus pandemic, we look forward to them continuing after the present situation changes, and continue to offer support and companionship online for the community in the meantime.