Dementia Awareness Training
PramaLife provides Dementia Awareness Training Sessions for organisations, churches, and groups of individuals by appointment only.
These sessions include:
A description of local services and support
Five key messages about dementia
Providing examples of people living with dementia
Understanding the progression of dementia
Understanding the complexities of completing simple tasks
For bookings and more information, please contact Sue Warr, PramaLife Manager on

Oakley Friends Dementia Information Course
Are you caring for someone with dementia?
PramaLife run free 10 week Dementia Awareness courses in conjunction with The Leonardo Trust. The sessions are run twice a year in April and September.
If your family member or friend is affected by dementia, this course is a great way for you to develop your understanding.
These information courses cover a variety of aspects of dementia, including professional speakers, topics include:
Medical Aspects
Social Services
Legal Issues & Benefits
Memory Assessment
Care and Support
Alzheimer’s Society
Continence Nurse
Occupational Therapy
Aids and adaptations
For more information, or to book your place please contact Keith on